Patricia Noble Riesling


Winery: Brown Brothers

Region: King Valley

Variety: Riesling

Wine Type: Sweet

Price Guide: $46



Brown Brothers Patricia Noble Riesling is Australia's inaugural Noble Riesling, first released in 1962. It is named after family matriarch Patricia Brown.

The wine is made with grapes affected by the mould Botrytis cinerea, or noble rot. The mould thins the grape skins, so the berries lose moisture and become highly concentrated in sugar and flavour.

Brown Brothers vineyard at Milawa in the King Valley reliably produces the warm, moist conditions necessary to produce Botrytis. Towards the end of vintage, the fruit is handpicked in several passes of the vineyard.

The wine completes fermentation with high residual sweetness and low alcohol. It must then pass strict selection criteria; as a result it is not released every year.

Golden yellow, Brown Brothers Patricia Noble Riesling has notes of marmalade, citrus and honey. Though sweet and rich, its high natural acidity provides balance.

Cellaring potential is 10 years.


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019  
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014  
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009  

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